Are you looking for a regulator (back pressure regulator) to solve pressure related challenges in your chemical process set-up? If you run a chemical process or process research that requires high precision pressure control, our high precision back pressure regulators will be extremely helpful to optimize your process. Equilibar manufactures innovative, patented dome-loaded orifice-sealed back pressure regulators that can be controlled through both manual pilot controllers as well as electronic pressure controllers. The unique operating principle and performance of Equilibar back Pressure regulatorsOur dome-loaded back pressure regulators work on the basis of a sealing diaphragm. The reference pressure is set on the diaphragm, pushing that diaphragm down to close the orifices just enough to maintain the process pressure coming into the body equal to the set reference pressure. As long as the set pressure is higher than the inlet pressure, the diaphragm remains sealed. When the pressure at the inlet exceeds the pressure set at the reference, this overwhelms the seating forces and the diaphragm will lift to relieve pressure to the extend needed in order to achieve the pressure set at the dome again; this diaphragm movements are so smooth and frictionless that it results in an even and subtle balance – equilibrium, hence the name Equilibar! – with the inlet pressure. An exceptionally fast response time and an extremely stable precision process pressure control is the result. On top of that, Equilibar back pressure regulators allow for repeatability and reproducibility that has no equivalent in the market of precision pressure control instruments. Why do Equilibar back pressure regulators outperform other pressure regulators?These unique and high-end pressure regulators are suitable for the most demanding process conditions, such as wide rangeability, very high and very low temperatures (from cryogenic temperatures up to 700 degrees Celsius), very high (up to 20.000 PSI | 1380 bar gauge) or very low pressures (sub mbar level vacuum), large Cv range and more; we customize these pressure regulators to fit your process, even in case of extreme or exotic process conditions. |